jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

Reported Speech

Para reportear oraciones afirmativas y negativas, se debe cambiar el tiempo verbal, además de agregar el verbo que reportea.

Aff: I want to buy a car -> He said he wanted to buy a car

Neg: I don't have much time -> She told me she didn't have much time

Para oraciones imperativas:

Don't Shout! -> The teacher said not to shout

Sit down! -> The teacher told me to sit down

Para las preguntas:

What time is it? -> She wanted to know what time it was

Can you swim? -> She asked me if I could swim.

Nota: cuando una oración está ya en pasado, se cambia a pasado perfecto.


I promised to help Joanne move -> Jim said he had promised to help Joanne move

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